Microsoft edge xbox 360
Microsoft edge xbox 360

microsoft edge xbox 360

The game is designed to pose Faith with multiple solutions to her puzzles and predicaments, and multiple paths to a quick demise as well.

microsoft edge xbox 360

Then again, sometimes it is better to take an opponent by surprise - disarm him, or worse, with a quick kick or flurry of punches, before making an easy escape. It's her job to be fast and elusive, and acrobatic escapes through the highest of futuristic high-rises are all in a day's work for her. To say that Faith takes parkour to new heights would be an understatement. The first-ever high-def first-person platform game, Mirror's Edge is an edgy, action-driven adventure starring Faith, a skyscraper daredevil whose specialty is flips, twists, and tumbles through a 3D obstacle course of rooftops, ledges, and wires.

Microsoft edge xbox 360